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I’m A Doctor, You Should Know This Before You Use Spit As Lube

We have all been there, right? You’re getting into a full flow of foreplay, enjoying each other’s bodies, feeling the build-up and… oh no. You’ve left the lube in another room or it’s just out of reach and you don’t want to interrupt this good thing you have going.

So, you spit on your hand and use it as a natural alternative. It’s not ideal but it does the job for the most part.

Realistically, who is it harming?

Well, according to one gynaecologist… it could be harming you.

The health risks of using spit as lube

Posting on her Instagram account, gynaecologist Dr Brooke Vandermolen advises that while this may be a convenient option, you are potentially putting your health at risk.

Dr Vandermolen advises: “While saliva may sound like a good alternative to commerical lubricant in a pinch, it’s actually important to understand that there are risks and it’s actually not the best thing to use ‘down there’”.

The doctor reveals that actually, saliva just isn’t great as a lubricant as it dries very quickly and doesn’t have the gel-like consistency, meaning that it doesn’t do much to reduce friction, which is the main reason we use lubrication.

She adds that there is also a risk of passing on infections, even cold sores, just through using saliva near genitals.

Finally, she reveals that the enzymes in saliva can actually mess with your vaginal microbiome and urges that there are just “better options” than using spit.

Plus, it only takes a couple of seconds to grab the bottle before getting back under the sheets.

Who should use lube during sex?

Dr Vandermolen says: “I think everyone should be using lube, every time they have sex. There should be nothing awkward, should be nothing taboo about it.

“Especially if you’re breastfeeding or you are post-menopausal, vaginal dryness is just part of life. It doesn’t say anything about your partner, but it is important to use a proper lubricant.”

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