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Kid’s internet censorship is all about every internet user and facial recognition –

Submission from Jeanine Bird



Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committees on Environment and Communications
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600


Online Safety Amendment (Social Media Minimum Age) Bill 2024

To say I am deeply concerned about the Social Media Minimum Age Bill 2024 is an understatement, particularly the Gestapo tactics being used to implement a Bill which has not even been available to read yet; and where the public has only been given 24 hours to put submissions in.  Furthermore, Australia is the guinea-pig, being the first nation to introduce this sort of legislation for the UN.  It also embeds UN legislation over and above our Common Law rights and our Common Law Commonwealth Constitution – i.e. this sets out to subvert our Constitution in lieu of the UN.

This is TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE.  What is the rush, except for the fact the government is trying to hide the ramifications from us AGAIN?

We have had enough of that with governmental Covid-19 policies implemented to transfer the wealth of the country to the likes of Big Corporates, Big Pharma, Big Banking/Finance etc.  That is just coming home to roost now, and of course, is not even been attributed to Covid-19 jabs, lockdowns, and business closures.

As Parliamentary representatives and employees of the people you seek to impose this upon, you should know that it is my will that you immediately reconsider, and totally withdraw from it.

Additionally, it is my will that you do not go down this track further, UNLESS the Legislation is available to everyone to consider for a lengthy period of time, and COMMENT on it similarly. Just allowing 24 hours to make comment is truly ridiculous, and reeks of Nazism, not the Constitutional Monarchy we are SUPPOSED to be.

This is a Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing: a Digital ID Bill in disguise.  Anyone OVER the age of 16 or 18 will, by default, be ultimately required (even if it is brought in in small, incremental steps) to use facial recognition to digitally verify their age, or upload a biometric facial scan to access social media platforms; or sign in with Digital ID, which is apparently set to come into force on December 1st this year.

I am TOTALLY OPPOSED to any form of Digital ID.  Firstly, it totally discriminates against aged people, disadvantaged people, and people who do not use, or have access to “smart” media, and this, once in, will absolutely be advanced to encompass anything “government”, for sure.  I am old enough to have voted against the Australia Card, and yet everything we voted against in this legislation which was rejected in all States by a majority in each State, has now been implemented by stealth!

Governmental “protection” is a sham – we saw that during Covid: asking adults, grandparents etc to have a poisonous jab in order to “protect the kids” from something which they were not even at risk from!!  It has now been comprehensively proven in a large study by many Drs, researchers and academics that in near or immediate deaths after vaccines the mean time from vaccine to death was 14.3 days, so it was all a giant scam upon the people. The so-called vaccines did not protect anyone at all – and yet governments are now STILL recommending people have “boosters” for something that came in the introduced jab itself!  That in itself is criminal. 

Likewise, NO GOVERNMENT will be protecting us by asking us to use Digital ID to “protect the kids”.  This is just the Government USING THE KIDS to lasso those over 18 into COMPLIANCE for governmental programs, such as the Smart Cities which are being promoted, and the SDGs being implemented from Federal and State Governments and NGO’s down to local Councils – a program emanating from the United Nations, as did Covid-19.

I do NOT trust the UN, and particularly after Covid, ANY of our own governments or governmental departments, which have demonstrably worked against us in every way, and which are now, through hugely subsidising the ideological dream of “green renewa-bull power”, are transferring wealth from mums and dads to huge corporations which often have co-governmental ownership.  We stupid mugs are paying for these subsidies; and paying again in power prices more than 4 times higher than it was previously.  Businesses are going OUT OF BUSINESS because of high power prices, losing their hard-earned equity to governmental ideology.

Now, we who are over the age of 16, are being deceived into thinking this Bill applies to under 16’s, when it will clearly require submission to the cashless Digital ID world of subversion and overseeing by faceless bureaucrats or AI programs

No thank you.  I do not wish to have this Trojan Horse’s content imposed upon me, or any as yet unsuspecting Aussies in order to manipulate and force the whole nation into accepting what will clearly be a Digital ID Bill by default. 

There are so many risks to this type of legislation – from alienating teenagers who rely on it for a means of communication at the very least, but most of all, the PRIVACY risk of governments and their agencies collecting more and more of our data, for what is most definitely – at this stage – premature and undisclosed legislation. 

It also implies that the GOVERNMENT is acting as the OWNER of the nation’s children, when in fact, PARENTS are responsible for their children, NOT government.  The government MUST NOT continue to assume this role, as they have been gradually doing since the 80’s at least, and especially since adopting the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child – where it is assumed the State, not the Parent, owns the child.  So, here we are, full circle, Nanny State Government not only owns the child but subverts the parents by straight out trickery and underhandedness.

If governments must do something then liaise with the social media platforms to ensure it’s safer for children; or implement digital literacy programs in schools or for parents to work on with their children.  Using “the kids” AGAIN to corral the adults into capitulating to this Trojan Horse by subverting them to accept surrender to such duplicity as that being proposed and RUSHED through is treacherous.

I object in the strongest possible terms.


Jeanine Bird.


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