Coral Kerr was getting off a bus in Palmyra just before 11am today when a driver allegedly mounted the curb while trying to overtake the bus and hit the 89-year-old.
Neighbours, including Mary Ivey, rushed to Kerr’s side to help her and alerted her family.
“She really wasn’t responding too much, she was very sweaty and clammy and then she started,” Ivey told 9News.
“I think she was in shock obviously.”
Witnesses say the driver tried to overtake the bus and mounted the footpath.
“A bus pulled up at the bus stop and there was a line of traffic, of cars, but this chap must have got very impatient and he decided he’d pull out and go down on the footpath,” neighbour Florence Mudge told 9News.
The 63-year-old man behind the wheel struck a power pole before hitting Kerr just metres from her Marmion Street home.
“People just don’t think anymore, they just want to get where they wanna get,” neighbour Noeline Mudge said.
Locals say the area is a hot spot for crashes.
“This accident is the worst one we’ve ever seen here,” Gilbert Anderson told 9News.
“Continually there’s a lot of crashes but there’s been four within the last two months,” she told 9News.
Family and friends are now holding out hope Kerr will make a recovery as she is treated in Royal Perth Hospital.
“We just pray that Coral’s got the strength to pull through this,” Ivey said.
Sam Kerr’s father, Roger Kerr, is flying home to WA from the east coast to be with his mother.
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